Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Krysti and Alex's Wedding

Ah...looking back at this batch of photos makes me miss the good times witnessed during this wedding. Krysti and Alex knew how to throw a party. My favorites are of the dance party. I've come to realize that photographing dance is certainly a passion, and I can offer a unique perspective on the party part of a wedding. Plus, I get to dance right along with everyone else....:):):)!

Horse Jewelry Product Shoot

These images, again, shot in my homemade studio, are featured on an online Horse Jewelry Store. They are beautiful to the naked eye. I suggest you visit the website if you find them as stunning as I do!

Josh and Vinessa's Engagement

I have the mighty pleasure of having fun and very photogenic friends. These were taken to celebrate their engagement at the Asheville School in late spring. The last ones were taken at the Lucky Otter after delicious burritos. The photos make me smile....:)!

Jessica and Matt's Wedding

I photographed this wedding in April. It was a very small, family-only affair, and I felt very honored to be included. The buds were just forming on the trees, and they couldn't have asked for a better morning to get married. Big weddings are fun, but intimate weddings definitely have their charms.

Frownies Product Shoot

These photos are from a product shoot for a company that makes facial care products, called Frownies. They are featured on their website. This company sells worldwide in hundreds of stores; I feel lucky to have been apart of their redesigning process.

I've been learning some neat tricks through shooting product photography. Though they may not be smiling faces, or running around in a beautiful outdoor setting, I'm still enjoying the process. I'm becoming quite adept at setting up a miniature homemade studio, and marvel at having a still object for a change.

Alexandra and Aaron's Wedding

In an effort to hold true to my mid year's resolution of keeping up with my blog, I'm posting photos of a wedding I shot in January. As usual, my favorite part was the dance party. Always, I am so grateful to be apart of an excellent profession of love. :)!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Kristina and Troy's Wedding

I am blessed to have wonderful, beautiful friends, and it was a pleasure to capture their big day. This wedding took place at Lake Eden in Black Mountain, NC, and I thought the weather was perfect for an evening ceremony. They couldn't have chosen a better backdrop.

*Originally posted 10/5/09*

Art, Squared

I am definitely drawn to art in all facets. I photographed graffiti and store fronts in Asheville and Austin. In both cities, I was happy to find spaces where graffiti is treated with respect, blossoming as a more artistic form and painted on abandoned buildings, or with permission. I loved touring the River Arts District in Asheville, and I hope these photographs honor the artists that put their time and their love into their work.

I am seeing more and more that art covers our world. It thrills me when artists collaborate, and I enjoy stretching and bending combined aesthetic styles. I like to think of it as art, squared.

*Originally posted 6/8/09*

Engagement Photos

I photographed this lovely couple, Troy and Kristina, along with my friend and colleague, John Glose. We enjoyed a beautiful day at the NC Arboretum. I am excited to shoot Kristina's bridal photographs (with the dress) and the couples' wedding in September. It has been wonderful working creatively with them!

*Originally posted 6/8/09*


I am so privileged to be living in the mountains of North Carolina. I photographed OASES, a workshop for middle and high school kids at Eagles Nest near Brevard. Not only was it a gorgeous day and I was exposed to the different activities around the camp, but the workshop focuses on sustainability. The topic is very important to me. I love to be able to offer my photo services to help at something as important as keeping our planet pristine for generations to come, for kids and artists alike to play.

*Originally posted 5/12/09*

To All the Artists Playing....Across the Universe

My friend quoted another photographer last night and said, "We don't take pictures; we make pictures." I agree. I find that I enjoy myself immensely when I simply play with photography.

The first photo in this series is taken still. Whenever I see a string of lights, I get inspired and play often with slow exposure and dragging the camera. So I thought I might see what happened with a movie showing in the background. The film was Across the Universe.

I think it's fitting that many images remind me of instruments and music- especially the third, as I see guitar frets, and the last, which brings to mind a saxophone. These were taken during the musical numbers. And yet others are like sea anemones, and those appeared during the credits where someone else has created abstract, water-like forms. That's my favorite part of abstraction, when something unintentional happens along and brings it all together.

I took these photos several months ago, but I happened upon them today after having a very creative afternoon. I thought about how as artists, we piggyback on each other all the time, drawing inspiration from all the various corners of our universe.

*Originally posted 3/26/09*

Mardi Can Gras Me Anyday

What can I say? I can't stay away from New Orleans; it has seduced me, and so of course I visited for Mardi Gras. What I loved about it most was not the stereotypical boobies and beads, but the color and creativity. Walking down Bourbon on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, I saw more ingenuity in dress than I witnessed while I was there for Halloween. And every face was smiling. This is why I have fallen in love with the city.

And of course, I had wonderful friends to photograph, as well as strangers. Of over the thousands shots I snapped, I would guess 50 probably had cameras in them. I am happy to share a common passion, as we all delight in seeing good pictures.

*Originally posted 3/11/09*

High Octane Chess


High Octane Chess

Along with my friend and colleague, John Glose, I shot a product called High Octane Chess, a chess set created from engine parts. I am happy to report these photos are being published in a magazine, Chevy High Performance, and that Jeremy Twiggs, the creator of the chess set, has ideas for more of his original creations. You can find more information on the chess set here.


*Originally posted 3/1/09*

Energy: Illuminated

Energy: Illuminated was an incredible journey for me and my photography. Dance is one of my great passions, and to capture it with the abstracted form of light was a manifestation that existed previously only in my dreams. I enjoy the slow exposure process, and I learned a lot about the art of Photoshop.

Many of these photographs are available for purchase at http://kissblissphotography.imagekind.com, or by simply clicking on the image above. Five framed prints (Blue, Smear, Blossom, Passion, and Dip) are currently on display at Ophelia's restaurant in downtown Asheville.

I would also be happy to do commissions for photographs of this nature, in the form of dance, movement, or any other creative endeavor they inspire.

*Originally posted 1/28/09*

Bohemian Nappy Time

This afternoon I was writing a letter to a dear friend, and my mom came into the room, snuggled up on my bed, and fell asleep. Anywhere she goes, her dog and cat do to (Sogi and Zena). They are her little stalker friends, and I watch it happen time after time. I couldn't help myself, the scene was too precious, so I got out my camera and took a hundred or so photos. These are the best.

Sogi and Zena play a little game, "who can be the closest to Mom?" Zena won the first round, Sogi waited for his chance, and then yes! He scored. I love the last photo, it reminds me of Michaelangelo's Creation of Adam fresco on the Sistine Chapel, Mom displaying her benevolent spirit to include all of her children.

I must say, I absolutely love my room. Sogi and Zena generally match with the decor, and today Mom fit in quite nicely as well. I love the play of the lines, both straight and swirly, and the textures and colors. I enjoy watching these little moments unfold; it reminds me that my love of photography does not just come from the grand scenic schemes, but from the smaller, every day vignettes that fill these spaces with life.

*Originally posted 1/17/09*


Sometimes a trip down memory lane is completely and utterly necessary. I took these photographs on a two month trip to Europe over four years ago. I look at them and think..."Wow, I lead a charmed life..."

*Originally posted 1/7/09*

More From New Orleans...

St. Ann Swirl

No...I'm not done with New Orleans, and I fear she's not done with me. I spent six weeks there, and I was certainly inspired by the architecture, the spirit, the art. I spent an afternoon on Royal St and wandered in and out of art galleries. I enjoyed several artists, and this photograph was inspired by them, as every artist interprets the beauty and mystery of the French Quarter differently.

Artist Portrait

One of the last galleries I stepped into was the Michelle Elmore Gallery. She's a fantastic photographer, and I admire that she does everything through film, with no editing. She has a great self-portrait, and seeing it invoked an excitement within myself to shoot a self-portrait. I had written a list of artists I found and liked that day on my hand, so truly, this one goes out to you, New Orleans...

*Originally posted 11/23/08*




I had the awesome opportunity to visit Ohio for portrait sessions. I loved taking photos for my beautiful cousin and her friends before their Homecoming dance. It brought back so many lovely memories from high school and college; my friends and I were giddy with excitement getting all gussied up before we would paint the town red. Fantastic times...

*Originally posted 11/23/08*

Starlight Trumpets

Starlight Trumpets

I'm currently in New Orleans. The city never ceases to amaze me. It's so much more than Bourbon St. These are trumpet flowers from a tree right outside my friends' beautiful apartment. The blossoms surprised them when we got here after the weekend. I titled them Starlight Trumpets because the flowers bloom during the night, in the day they wilt, waiting for the arrival of the stars.

I liked the missing board in the siding of the place next door. They are just now renovating it from the damage of Katrina. I noticed the interior lights winking through the missing board, copying the stars in the corner of the sky.

I suppose without this information, the photograph wouldn't have as much weight. But I see it as a testament to rejuvenation- rebuilding and blooming. The stars wait patiently, all the same.

Blooming Trumpets

I am enjoying the long summer. After coming from Asheville, the days are much warmer. But I am celebrating the cooler nights, just as I suppose these flowers do, too.

*Originally posted 10/1/08*

Leaning Towers

Leaning Towers

Photography is my passion, and travel holds her hand and mine. I'm a big fan of strange angles and even stranger reflections, so the Chicago Bean was quite a thrill.

*Originally posted 9/26/08*

Dueling Guitars

Dueling Guitars

Music has always been a big influence on my life. I am fascinated with the energy of light and sound, and I love to capture that in a live performance.

*Originally posted 9/26/08*

En Fuego

En Fuego

This image was taken at the latest photo shoot. The Unifire Theatre did a smashing performance at the LAAFF festival here in Asheville. I want to say that they were "on fire," but I tell myself that's too corny. And then I go and say it anyway. I took over 500 images in about a 20 minute time span, and there were a lot of goodies, but this one takes the cake. I love the magic of capuring moments, and that magic in itself reminds me of the power of the gods, of Prometheus giving us the gift of fire. I appreciate the heat, and the sight.

*Originally posted 9/26/08*

How to Begin?

Rose Colored Glass

It's an interesting thing, creating a website to compile and display the images I've taken over ten years. For some reason, this photograph calls to me, asking permission to be first. I did a photo shoot of my old roommate Lyndsay, and we had a glorious time capturing her femininity, her sensuality, with the roses her long-distance boyfriend had sent her. I was developing the light layering technique I used for my exhibit, Energy Illuminated, and so in a way, this image does signify a beginning, or at least growth as a photographer.

*Originally posted 9/25/08*